The Conference Committee warmly invites you to join us at the International Libyan Conference for Information and Communications Technologies  2025  (ILCICT 2025), which will be held in Tripoli-Libya during September 9-11, 2025. It is sponsored by the Libyan telecom sector, and scientifically supervised by Faculty of Engineering - University of Tripoli.

The Conference Scientific Committee is eager to receive high-quality research papers.

Papers will be jointly refereed by local and international reviewers. With the possibility of publishing premium papers in international journals.

Conference Objectives
  1. Provide a forum for researchers, engineers, industry and economists interested in communication and information technology to exchange scientific and research ideas and to pursue new developments in an open forum.
  2. Encouraging communication and information technology researchers to carry out scientific research that serves society and contributes to the development of the national economy.
  3. Assist researchers in communications and information technology to disseminate their scientific research.